Saturday, April 30, 2011

No Knead Sourdough

My recipe for No Knead Sourdough as adapted from Mark Bittman recipes for Sourdough, and No Knead Bread in How to Cook Everything (I hightly recommend this cook book -- it's my go to cook book). The No Knead Bread is created to Jim Lahey.
1/2 C sourdough starter (recipe below)
1 3/4 C Whole wheat flour
1 3/4 C Bread Flour
2 tsp salt
2 tbs gluten
1 3/4 C Water
- Mix dry ingredients together
- Add starter and water to dry ingredients. Mix to wet. Doesn't have
to be kneaded
- Cover and leave for ~18 hours in warm place (70-80F). In winter I put it in my oven, which I might warm for a moment first.
- Take out and fold it a few times, rest ~15 minutes (rest is optional)
- Shape into a ball. Dust with flour and cover (e.g., saran wrap)
- Let rise ~ 2 hours
- Preheat oven to 500F or higher with covered dutch oven in oven half
an hour before baking
- Carefully slide oven rack out, and dump dough into pot. Cover and
put in oven.
- Bake 30 minutes. After 30 minutes remove lid
- Continue to bake uncovered, 20-30 minutes more until internal
termperature reaches 210 F, or thump bottom sounds hollow
Makes a crusty loaf of sourdough
Sandwidch bread variant:
- Add 2 tbs oil with the water (optional)
- After the first rise (18 hours) Shape as a loaf and place in greased loaf pan (oil spray)
- Bake at 375 F for approximately an hour. Internal temperature should get to 210 F.
Sourdough Starter Maintenance (make starter from starter):
- 1/2 C Starter
- 1/4 C Whole wheat flour
- 1/4 C Bread Flour
- 3/8 C water
- Mix all ingredients
- Leave at room temperature for 12 hours.
- Refrigerate to store
I keep my started in a mason jar. When I make bread I take half my
starter for the bread, and then add the remaining ingredients back
into the mason jar. Occassionally I move to a clean mason jar and wash
the old one. I'm glad to share starter with those I know .